Training by Industry experts along with Hands-on experience on Live projects
Easy to understand Courseware
Free Exam Voucher for relevant course
Free Workhop voucher worth INR 1100/-
Lifetime free access to LMS
Certificate of Participation
Project Letter and Internship Letter
Certificate of Project Completion
Unlimited Practical Sessions
Visit our Dedicated Page for every course. Select the course and click on “Register Now”, Process the payment and voila, Its done!
(Good news: We offer partial Payment offers and demo sessions, Please call +91-9555554944 to attend next demo session)
1) Classroom Training: You will visit our Operational office in Delhi(NCR) for attending batches
Address: CyberCure Technologies, CS-4, Chandni Plaza, Gyan Khand-1, Indirapuram. Near Vaishali Metro station. (Click here to check on Google Maps)
2) Virtual Classroom: Now you can study sitting at your own place, Classes will be live and you will be part of same batch where classroom training is going on via video conferencing.
(Note: Virtual Classroom is not available for Quadcopter development training)
YES, there are Huge discounts offered, we have different categories of discounts. For more details or special Discount Coupons get in touch with our Marketing Counselors on the following details:
Mobile :- +91-9555550880, +91-9555559979, +91-9555554944
Total duration of trainings & internship as follows:
Classroom training Batches are Conducted Complete Year. Contact Us for Upcoming Batches!
Majority students who come for trainings are NOT from Delhi/NCR. CyberCure has some Tie-Ups with PGs where you can stay on negotiated/Nominal Charges with all the facilities available.
If you require anything while living away from your family, We are always here to help!
CyberCure Technologies
906, Commercial Tower S-3, Cloud9, Sector-1, Vaishali(NCR)-201010, India
Landmark: Near Reliance Smart
Copyright © 2011-2023 All Rights Reserved by CyberCure Technologies Private Limited
Pay INR 2000/- and reserve your Spot now!